How To Change The Shape of Egg? - Science Magic Trick - Science Project

The Game of Changing  The Shape of Egg - Fun Science

Today man can't move a step forward without the help of science. So, science is one of the main subjects in school curriculum but students take it as a dry subject. In fact, our students are not getting science education in a proper way as there is lack of trained teachers, skillful teacher and lack of materials needed for practical.
How far it is relevant to teach science through rote learning, when the saying says practical knowledge is better than theoretical knowledge, one question is always in front of us. Therefore, it is our responsibility to prepare the students mentally for science study with useful skills.
In this Post, we find the use of things around our houses, which are thought useless, can be used for science practicals.
Below are the list of practical that are prepared for students. Some of our topic related to these are - Elementary Science Project, Science Project for Kids, Stem Fair ideas, Fun Science etc.

Necessary Materials - Changing The Shape of Egg:

  • Dilute hydrochloric acid.
  • An Egg
  • Two tumblers or cups made of glass.
  • 100-200ml water
  • Salt

Preparation - How to Change the Shape of Egg?

Prepare solution of salt and water in a glass.

Presentation of the Game - Changing the Shape of Egg:

Immerse an egg in the cup of hydrochloric acid for sometime. Consequently the outer rind of the egg melts and recedes step by step, thus only the inner part of the egg remains. Now, pour the acid kept in the cup into another one and fill water in the former. Let the egg be immersed in water for 2-3 hours. Later on, you will find the egg about 2 times larger than it was before.

How To Change The Shape of Egg? - Science Magic Trick - Science Project
How To Change The Shape of Egg? - Science Magic Trick - Science Project

If this egg is immersed in the solution of salt and water for 2-3 hours, it will reduce in size and be smaller than it was in the beginning. what is the mystery that makes it possible to change a single egg into three different shapes?

The Mystery which change the Shape of Egg:

It has been possible because of the process of Endo-Osmosis and Exo-Osmosis.

The Scientific Reason - Why Shape of an Egg Change in Hydrochloric Acids?

As the Hydrochloric Acid reacted and caused to melt the outer rind of the egg, just the inner part of the later had been left. The inner rind is thin too. It is Called 'Membrane'. This membrane is semi-permeable. When the egg had been kept in water, the water entered into the egg through the semipermeable membrane. That's why, the size of the egg increased.

In the third step, as the egg had been dipped into the thick solution of salt and water, the water present in the egg came out and dissolved in the solution. Consequently the size of the egg decreased.

Points To Know About:
Endo-Osmosis: The process by which the water enters into the egg is called Endo-Osmosis.
Exo-Osmosis : The process by which the water comes out from the egg is called Exo-Osmosis.

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