How an Egg Can Stays Exactly in The Middle of Water? - Science Magic Trick

The Trick in Which an Egg Stays Exactly in The Middle of Water

Science Project - Fun Science Ideas for School Student

Today man can't move a step forward without the help of science. So, science is one of the main subjects in school curriculum but students take it as a dry subject. In fact, our students are not getting science education in a proper way as there is lack of trained teachers, skillful teacher and lack of materials needed for practical.
How far it is relevant to teach science through rote learning, when the saying says practical knowledge is better than theoretical knowledge, one question is always in front of us. Therefore, it is our responsibility to prepare the students mentally for science study with useful skills.
In this Post, we find the use of things around our houses, which are thought useless, can be used for science practicals.
Below are the list of practical that are prepared for students. Some of our topic related to these are - Elementary Science Project, Science Project for Kids, Stem Fair ideas, Fun Science etc.

Necessary Materials - Process of Making an Which Egg to Stays Exactly Middle of Water.

  • A big transparent tumbler
  • Water
  • Salt

Preparation - How an Egg Can Stays Exactly in The Middle of Water?

Prepare solution of Salt and Water in a glass.

Presentation of the Game - Making an Which Egg to Stays Exactly Middle of Water.

We know that an Egg sinks into water whereas it floats on Salt Water. Thus it is clear that an Egg can be kept on either the base of the tumbler or the surface of water But how to cause it to stay exactly in the middle?

How an Egg Can Stays Exactly in The Middle of Water? - Science Magic Trick
How an Egg Can Stays Exactly in The Middle of Water? - Science Magic Trick

Method to Keep an egg exactly in the middle of water:

Firstly, place the egg on the base of the tumbler. Then, pour the salt water solution be poured just in the required quantity that is sufficient for the egg to be dipped in. What Happened?
Now, fill clean water (in which salt has not been mixed) in the tumbler carefully. Mix this water with the salt-water smoothly so that the letter should not be pressed. What happened now?
Certainly the egg stayed exactly in the middle of water, didn't it?

How an Egg Can Stays Exactly in The Middle of Water? - Science Magic Trick
How an Egg Can Stays Exactly in The Middle of Water? - Science Magic Trick

Comprehension: Why Egg Sinks in Water? The Density of an egg is higher than that of water. When the egg is put into the water, the vertical pressure, being equal to the weigh of the water replaced by the egg, is exerted upon the egg, but as the egg is heavier than the pressure mentioned, it sinks into water.

The Reason for the floating of the egg on Salt-Water

When salt is mixed with water, the vertical pressure exerted upon the egg by water increases. But in our game, the egg has stayed in the middle of water. Why?

The Scientific Reason Behind In Which Egg Stayed Exactly in the Middle of Water.

As the quantity of salt in water is increased, the vertical pressure increases too. In the beginning, there was only salt-water. That's why, the vertical pressure was high. As we continue to add more water, once such a moment comes when the weight of the egg and the vertical pressure becomes equal to each other. That's why, the egg stays exactly in the middle of the water.


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